Links to interesting sites

Kanji Go

The programme that helps you learn Japanese, make your vocabulary lists and quiz your knowledge.

Vocab list for these poems here.

University of Virginia Library

Introduction, texts, translation.

Play the card game online

More about the card game sets.

A modern artist made this reprint of a fine set.

Japanese poem chanting

The song on the home page is an example of this chanting.

The scores can be found in this book:



Shigureden is an interactive museum showcasing the Ogura anthology using modern digital technology.

Click the thumbnails for the websites

All hundred waka in audio files by Kaseumin, who also has a podcast: Japanese Classical Literature at Bedtime.

The Japanese Literature Home Page,

a site with translations, transliteration, comments and notes, also links to many more sites.

A Google Earth placemark folder is in preparation which will contain the placemarks for the locations mentioned in the Hyakunin Isshu. It will be updated regularly. You have to install Google Earth first. Then you can download and view the folder on the thumbnail link.

(When the GE Community site is down, download from this site.)

Artwork and calligraphy at the National Diet Library


(search for: 百人一首)

2001 Waka for Japan

Website of Thomas McCauley, University of Sheffield, School of East Asian Studies

We shall not cease from exploration

And the end of all our exploring

Will be to arrive where we started

And know the place for the first time.

T.S. Eliot