Afghanistan is het speelterrein van de boys with toys, gevaarlijke toys.
TheNews: "A new video has been released of a group of soldiers from the Polish Army blowing up a dwelling in a deserted area of Afghanistan, a move which goes against the Geneva Convention.
“What a beauty!” comments one of the soldiers when the building is blown to pieces in the 3-minute video (see here), recorded by Polish soldiers from the Army’s 6th rotation during their tour of duty between October 2009 and April 2010.
“It was done for fun,” a non-commissioned officer at the time serving in Afghanistan told the Rzeczpospolita daily, adding that there were more deserted buildings in the area, the remains of a village."
AlterNet: "If even a small fraction of what former Bravo Company 2-16 soldier Ethan McCord is saying is true, that orders were given at a battalion level in Iraq for "360 rotational fire" against civilians in order to "kill every motherfucker in the street," upon being hit by an IED, then Congress must investigate.
This claim suggests a war crime which far surpasses errant bombs or overzealous individual soldiers in the heat of battle. This is the mass execution of civilians."
WSWS: "Our rules of engagement were changing on an almost daily basis. But we had a pretty gung-ho commander, who decided that because we were getting hit by IEDs a lot, there would be a new battalion SOP [standard operating procedure].
He goes, “If someone in your line gets hit with an IED, 360 rotational fire. You kill every motherfucker on the street.” Myself and Josh and a lot of other soldiers were just sitting there looking at each other like, “Are you kidding me? You want us to kill women and children on the street?”"
Telegraaf: "Er is sprake van ernstig wangedrag door studenten en instructeurs op de Nederlandse Defensie Academie (NLDA) in Breda, de voormalige KMA. De cadetten en instructeurs maken zich onder andere schuldig aan aanranding, racisme en vrouwenhaat."
En als dat tuig uit Afghanistan terugkomt dan moeten we nog medelijden hebben met hun trauma's en verwondingen. Maar nog steeds is er meer begrip voor 'onze jongens' dan voor hun slachtoffers. En nog steeds komen berichten tevoorschijn uit het schandalige verleden van de CIA. En dan heeft Wilders het nog steeds over onze grote 'westerse beschaving'.