Facebook tegen vakbonden

facebookMark Zuckerberg, de baas van Facebook, gaat fondsen werven voor Chris Christie, republikeins gouverneur van New Jersey, die in zijn eigen staat anti-vakbondswetten heeft ingevoerd.

AmericaBlog: "When you’re wasting time on Facebook, don’t forget that the boss of the company, Mark Zuckerberg, is funding the destruction of teacher’s unions, and supporting a politician who is strongly against marriage equality.

After registering with Facebook years ago (was it 2007?), I quickly became annoyed, then disgusted with its constant policy changes. Following multiple attempts to take ownership of user photos, I finally said “enough” and closed my account. That was around the time Zuckerberg hired a former Bush attorney, which also bothered me.

Provided you’re okay with pumping big money into destroying teachers and promoting hateful politics, go ahead and keep using Facebook. But don’t act surprised or outraged when he keeps dumping money into the hands of jerks like Christie."

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