
NATOProtest: "For the first time in more than a decade, representatives from NATO's 28 member nations will meet in Chicago on May 21 for a two day conference.

The twenty-first century is shaping up right now largely as a confrontation between the U.S./NATO and the BRICS -- Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa -- with the danger that somewhere down the line these competing economic and political interests turn into a full scale military confrontation."

TheNation: "For much of the post–cold war era, NATO has been a military alliance in search of a reason to exist. When ministers from the alliance’s twenty-eight member nations meet in Chicago in May, the question Why NATO? will once again hang over the proceedings.

The alliance has twice been reinvented since the Berlin Wall came down in 1989. In the decade after the cold war, membership in or partnership with NATO was seen as a way to stabilize the transitional nations of Central and Eastern Europe, including the Balkans. “NATO 3.0,” as US Permanent Representative Ivo Daalder calls it, expanded the alliance’s mission far beyond Europe, remaking it into a quasi‑global-security and crisis-management organization with partnerships beyond its core members.

In each case, NATO’s efforts to redefine its mission have done great harm. Extending membership to Central and Eastern Europe may have helped pull those nations toward the West, but it also alienated Russia and deepened divisions in Ukraine and the Caucasus. NATO’s involvement in Afghanistan has enabled the United States to distribute some of the war’s burdens to its allies, thus helping to prolong the military presence beyond the original mission of destroying Al Qaeda. This has stoked anti-Western sentiment and diverted precious European resources from other international development efforts."

Het is een feit dat sinds de koerswijziging van de NAVO er overal ter wereld oorlogen gevoerd worden. De NAVO heeft niets meer te maken met defensie maar alles met agressie. Van vrede stichten is geen sprake, hoewel men het wel heeft over 'vredesmissies'. Het leugenachtig taalgebruik moet oorlogsmisdaden verhullen. Een aantal Europese landen hebben bloed aan hun handen door mee te werken aan illegale acties als uitlevering van gevangenen en militaire acties. Ook Nederland is zeer actief van Afghanistan tot Afrika. De situatie in alle oorlogsgebieden wordt alleen maar verwarrender en onmenselijker. De VS creëert zijn eigen vijanden, rechtse regimes worden eerst bewapend, denk maar aan Saddam Hoessein en al Qaeda, en moeten later op beestachtige manier weer bestreden worden met miljoenen doden tot gevolg. De NAVO is in strijd met alle fundamentale beginselen van een vreedzame samenleving, is een totaal fiasco, en moet opgeheven worden.

LandDestroyer: "A 2007 New Yorker article written by renowned journalist Seymour Hersh revealed a plan under the Bush Administration to organize, arm, train, and deploy a regional army of Sunni terrorists, many with ties directly to Al Qaeda, in a bid to destabilize and overthrow both Syria and Iran. The plan consisted of US and Israeli backing, covertly funneled through Saudi proxies to conceal Washington and Tel Aviv's role, in building the Sunni extremist front."

7130080_origPeoplesSummitChicago: "NATO war makers are preparing to meet in Chicago on May 20-21 following the meeting of the G8 heads of state behind the fortified walls of Camp David.

By contrast, the People's Summit invites community groups, labor unions, anti-racist organizers, Occupy activists, environmentalists, faith leaders, immigrant rights activists and anyone else committed to social justice to a grassroots, bottom-up forum of, by and for the 99 percent."

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